Dear followers and not,
This post starts like this...
-Love is a many splendoured thing,love lifts us up where we belong!All you need is love...
-Please don't start it again...
-All u need is love..!!
-A girl has hot to eat..
-All u need is love..
-We shall end up on the street..
-All you need is loove..
-Love is just a game...
-I was made for loving u baby you were made for loving me..
-the only way of loving me baby is to pay a lovely fee..;)
-Just one night just one night...
-There's no wayyy couse you can't pay!!!
-In the name of love one night in the name of love
-You crazy fool I won't give in to u..
-Love lifts us up where we belong,where eagles fly on a mountain high
-Love makes us act like we are fools through our lives away for one happy day
-We should HEROES just for one day!!!!!! Come what may......
This is one of my favourites scenes at the Moulin Rouge movie..As u understood it's one of my favs movies of all times and as I saw it again i thought that my new post should be about it...:) Please watch it again...!this love story is like no others..:)